GSX-R e899 K2 2017
First roll out (30th January 2017), out of the trailer and check of controller position.
Left handle bar: ON/OFF-Switch
Mounting rear brake disc.
Right handle bar: e-throttle and font brake lever / brake tank
GSG rear brake tank.
... holding on the new brake.
New controller position (better for cabling) and also position for battery pack, which should be installed as deep as possible to the ground.
Cutting motor cabling and connected (Pase A: yellow, Phase B: green, Phase C: blue, here you only see the covers)
Motor cabel fixed at swing arm via bracket.
Batteriy box to cover 175VDC 20Ah.
Here you see a short function test with 100 V DC.
First successfully ride (26th of March 2017) .
Test drive before taking part at an energy exhibition (e-mobility)
Element E @ my home town with around 1800 visitors at 2 days opening.
First official test run @ 1/4 mile (May 2017) German Race Wars, Eisenach, Thüringen). I finished via roll out over the finish line after 29 seconds. So at 85 kph I got a complete system cut off from controller. I was a little bit frustrated but happy that the system worked again after switch off/on the system. So the next two weeks I tried to find out which parameters I have to set inside the controller.
Our main event my brother and I take part: Speeddays King of Germany, Alkersleben (Thüringen).
4 days of fun. GSX-R 1216 of my brother, GSX-R e600, GSX-R 1000 K2 (K3 engine, SRAD fairing)
Time slips of my e-motorcycle. In every run I had to fight with system cut offs. But I found out when I put back the throttle and start acceleration again (5 times @ 1/4 mile distance) I reached finish line with my actually best time slip 14,468 sec. @ 157,21 kph.
Getting new controller Kelly Controls KLS 8080I 14401 (144V nominal voltage, 400A peak phase current).
August 2017: Tops peed record @ Bamberg air field (GPS measured).
Last official test run with little bit weaker controller. But it works without any problems (no system cut offs).
15,380 sec @ 172,37 kph. So slower in acceleration but with higher top speed at the end.
New controller (Emsiso emDrive 500)
Technical datas: 62kW cont., 100kW peak, 800A phase current, 125VDC
Water cooling system is needed from now!
Check up of new position and connection to check that controller is ok.
The controller itself has an osci function to check the correct PI regulation.
I needed 16 hours to understand the new software. But at the end the wheel was spinning.
You see the blocked motor signal (40A). My trailor where I made the tests were shaking!
Getting new "used" carbon fairing and thought about new design
Starting in November 2017 to stripp the motorcycle.
Getting new Chinese foot rest.
And also new ABM handle bar
Starting with some minor stuff for coloring it in friendly balck.
Getting back new powder coated frame stuff
Ordering new Car front Drag Tyre (Hoosier 27.5/4.5-17) on 4,5x17 rim.