
Change of handle bar position and change from Hoosier 2,5" front wheel to 120/70-17


Black & White 


Back to the roots! I decided myself to rebuilt it to a fighter version, because it looks much more aggressive



I have ordered now the motor and have to wait up to 14 weeks.



Some sketches regarding the main frame extension

Including front fairing ...


As  fighter version but than the wind resistent for myself will be increased 



Modification of swing arm to get maybe more space for the motor later on but actually I really don’t know I will follow this plan.

I am in contact with a motor company ...



Nice picture from behind ....



Thinking about the battery pack ... 

6x9 packs have the same dimension than the controller ...

I need 62/64 packs to go 780V-798VDC



Getting back the powder coated swingarm and rear tail



Want to use a display with dragy connect and action cam in split view and decide myself to go with iPad Pro 11" but I have to test it first ...



Cooling sketch



Get now the first 3D construction drawing for the frame jig



Prepare the power cable for the SD300 controller



So I dismount the controller again and brought it upstairs to 3rd floor for starting with power on at next weekend



Measured now some fixed values of  frame points to ground to get the actual build-in angle in [cm]



My next step will be to create a frame jig for modifying the itself.

Here you can see a simple sketch what I mean:



I cut off now some stuff from main frame which I do not need anymore ...



Enjoiyed the last Weekend @ EFR-Brilon under sunny weather conditions until lunch time.

My aim was to went for two runs until rain starts and I made four. But at the end only two because of two fail starts.

The last run was during raining and made the most fun. Spinnning wheel from the beginning and little slides during acceleration until I switched over to second gear ...



Got now a second hand, but really new looking frame from GSXR 1000 K2



Had a lot of fun during the last two days telling people about my little hobby at energy exhibition. At least I got a good resonance. Some people liked my stuff some hated it (no sound, using not environmentally friendly batteries, etc.).
But after short conversations I got them to change their minds (some of them, not all) by showing them pro/contra of e-mobility. 
Also the bicycle gave a lot of fun for people/kids who tried to pedal it at stand up, trying to grap the handle bar and so on.

Equal to the last two years of experience the second day was more efficient with lots of more conversations regarding the little spring street festival and the shops were open Sunday at my hometown „Hirschaid“.

The biggest moment was a as a vocational school class, who got an innovation price for their build up of their diy little e-scooters, came to my booths using as meeting point before their award handover. They were asking me a lot of questions regarding my project and it made really a lot of fun telling them about the history of my hobby.
I also had now a good conversation about batteries and their future and got an information that Israel will be the actually world market leader in this technology but that information I had also to proof now because I can’t believe it actually.
People told about Chinese electrical cars running in China from brands we have never heard about and they will have absolutely no problems with their infrastructure. But I also think this will be prestige projects at only some points there. I my point of view big SUV‘s for cities will not change our future, because there will be only a handful people who can own such a car and I am not one of this group 😀. But that’s another story...
At least I wanna say thank you to Mr. Seuling and his team for their invitation to this energy exhibition, element-e, at Energiepark Hirschaid!



Temporary mounting of SD300 controller and cleaning day for energy exhibition.

As you can see, it was not so easy to mount him inside the mainframe.

I need two ropes and a 2 tons car lifter to get it in.




Got my new controller from Scott Drive (SD300).

800 VDC, 600Arms, 29lbs, over 300kW output power for the motor.



Decide myself now to go with the wing because it holds more the line from fuel tank cover to back!

And here you will find a short movie clip:



Update of rear wing after loosing some screws during transportation ...

I can also dismount him and install a cam there but actually it´s my style ...




The rear seat is ready now



Not sure about the finish of back seat



More or less ready ...



New update of seat position (-4")



Ready for preparing the new reart tail



Prepare now a second cooling system via peltiers (576W, 12V) to get the temperature of the liquiid as low as possible to get the most power out of the controller. Well I calculated a 8,4 Ah (30C) LiFePo battery to run the system around 6-7 minutes in total. So enough for the 1/4 mile!



Get now new kill switch which will be connected between 12V power system of controller and the leather glove




Build in the new swingarm. The next will be to finish the rear tail ...



Underbracing for swingarm



Measuring Device für the cooling system



Update for cooling system



The new controller will have an emergency switch off circuit where the batteries will be disconnect from the controller. Therefore I already got an emergency switch




Have done now the ordering ... waiting now for the next controller smiley



Under clarification for next big step of the motorcycle conversion: The Controller!




New lifter and 17 tooth sprocket



Links to previous years:

2018 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2018
2017 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2017
2016 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2016




 Visitors:          78182

Visitors today:       0

GSX-R e848 K2 2019

Phase III: 300kW (400 HP)

Story to be continued ...



Try to find the form of a fuel tank cover


Got the motor PhE381 from Phi Power AG






preparing the extension




Cutting the frame 




Start of main frame extension

Change of handle bar position and change from Hoosier 2,5" front wheel to 120/70-17


Black & White 


Back to the roots! I decided myself to rebuilt it to a fighter version, because it looks much more aggressive



I have ordered now the motor and have to wait up to 14 weeks.



Some sketches regarding the main frame extension

Including front fairing ...


As  fighter version but than the wind resistent for myself will be increased 



Modification of swing arm to get maybe more space for the motor later on but actually I really don’t know I will follow this plan.

I am in contact with a motor company ...



Nice picture from behind ....



Thinking about the battery pack ... 

6x9 packs have the same dimension than the controller ...

I need 62/64 packs to go 780V-798VDC



Getting back the powder coated swingarm and rear tail



Want to use a display with dragy connect and action cam in split view and decide myself to go with iPad Pro 11" but I have to test it first ...



Cooling sketch



Get now the first 3D construction drawing for the frame jig



Prepare the power cable for the SD300 controller



So I dismount the controller again and brought it upstairs to 3rd floor for starting with power on at next weekend



Measured now some fixed values of  frame points to ground to get the actual build-in angle in [cm]



My next step will be to create a frame jig for modifying the itself.

Here you can see a simple sketch what I mean:



I cut off now some stuff from main frame which I do not need anymore ...



Enjoiyed the last Weekend @ EFR-Brilon under sunny weather conditions until lunch time.

My aim was to went for two runs until rain starts and I made four. But at the end only two because of two fail starts.

The last run was during raining and made the most fun. Spinnning wheel from the beginning and little slides during acceleration until I switched over to second gear ...



Got now a second hand, but really new looking frame from GSXR 1000 K2



Had a lot of fun during the last two days telling people about my little hobby at energy exhibition. At least I got a good resonance. Some people liked my stuff some hated it (no sound, using not environmentally friendly batteries, etc.).
But after short conversations I got them to change their minds (some of them, not all) by showing them pro/contra of e-mobility. 
Also the bicycle gave a lot of fun for people/kids who tried to pedal it at stand up, trying to grap the handle bar and so on.

Equal to the last two years of experience the second day was more efficient with lots of more conversations regarding the little spring street festival and the shops were open Sunday at my hometown „Hirschaid“.

The biggest moment was a as a vocational school class, who got an innovation price for their build up of their diy little e-scooters, came to my booths using as meeting point before their award handover. They were asking me a lot of questions regarding my project and it made really a lot of fun telling them about the history of my hobby.
I also had now a good conversation about batteries and their future and got an information that Israel will be the actually world market leader in this technology but that information I had also to proof now because I can’t believe it actually.
People told about Chinese electrical cars running in China from brands we have never heard about and they will have absolutely no problems with their infrastructure. But I also think this will be prestige projects at only some points there. I my point of view big SUV‘s for cities will not change our future, because there will be only a handful people who can own such a car and I am not one of this group 😀. But that’s another story...
At least I wanna say thank you to Mr. Seuling and his team for their invitation to this energy exhibition, element-e, at Energiepark Hirschaid!



Temporary mounting of SD300 controller and cleaning day for energy exhibition.

As you can see, it was not so easy to mount him inside the mainframe.

I need two ropes and a 2 tons car lifter to get it in.




Got my new controller from Scott Drive (SD300).

800 VDC, 600Arms, 29lbs, over 300kW output power for the motor.



Decide myself now to go with the wing because it holds more the line from fuel tank cover to back!

And here you will find a short movie clip:



Update of rear wing after loosing some screws during transportation ...

I can also dismount him and install a cam there but actually it´s my style ...




The rear seat is ready now



Not sure about the finish of back seat



More or less ready ...



New update of seat position (-4")



Ready for preparing the new reart tail



Prepare now a second cooling system via peltiers (576W, 12V) to get the temperature of the liquiid as low as possible to get the most power out of the controller. Well I calculated a 8,4 Ah (30C) LiFePo battery to run the system around 6-7 minutes in total. So enough for the 1/4 mile!



Get now new kill switch which will be connected between 12V power system of controller and the leather glove




Build in the new swingarm. The next will be to finish the rear tail ...



Underbracing for swingarm



Measuring Device für the cooling system



Update for cooling system



The new controller will have an emergency switch off circuit where the batteries will be disconnect from the controller. Therefore I already got an emergency switch




Have done now the ordering ... waiting now for the next controller smiley



Under clarification for next big step of the motorcycle conversion: The Controller!




New lifter and 17 tooth sprocket



Links to previous years:

2018 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2018
2017 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2017
2016 GSX-R e899 K2 / GSX-R e899 K2 2016